Gregory W. Goelzer
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer
May 2020
Goelzer Investment Management reopened our offices in downtown Indianapolis this
week in accordance with our new Return to the Office Plan, which is designed to
protect the health of our clients, team, visitors, and those they love as we return to
working together in person.
Our team at Goelzer has worked remotely since March 24th in compliance with stay-at-home orders issued by Indiana’s governor and the mayor of Indianapolis. While working remotely, our team has continued to provide our comprehensive services to our clients. In anticipation of those orders being lifted, we developed a plan to return to the office in a manner that is consistent with legal requirements, our values, and best practices to protect individual health.
Goelzer’s phased approach to return to the office coincides with other businesses returning to work across Indiana and around the world, including the New York Stock Exchange.
Our Return to the Office Plan includes the following elements:
– A health screening process for all employees and visitors;
– Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols for our workplace;
– Enhanced ability for employees and visitors to sanitize hands; and,
– Social distancing requirements established by the CDC.
In addition to these fundamental elements, our plan incorporates other best
practices including:
– Encouraging those who need to care for loved ones at home to do so;
– Continued coordination with the manager of the Salesforce Tower where our office is located;
– Appropriate limits on the number of people in meetings and the encouragement to continue meeting with clients and vendors via electronic means;
– A rotating schedule for our employees so that no more than approximately 50% of the team is in the office at one time;
– A requirement that employees and visitors wear masks in the office when working together; and,
– The continued use of secure remote work technologies, such as Microsoft Teams.
This plan guides our efforts from May 18th through July 3rd. An up-to-date version is posted here. We will continue to monitor circumstances as they unfold, change our approach as is prudent, and continue to plan for July 4th and beyond.
We encourage clients to address any questions or concerns about our plan or any other matter to their Goelzer advisors. Additionally, our Chief Operating Officer, Chris W. Cotterill, (ccotterill@goelzerinc.com) is also available to assist with any inquiry relating to our plan.
As we return to the office, we do so with deep appreciation to the doctors, nurses, other health and medical professionals, and public servants who have tirelessly and fearlessly served us all, especially those affected by the coronavirus.
Gregory W. Goelzer
Chief Executive Officer