Chris W. Cotterill


Special Event with Marianne Glick & Yvonne Shaheen


As part of our engagement with endowments, foundations, non-profits, and other institutions, we hosted Marianne Glick and Yvonne Shaheen for a moderated conversation in November to focus on their thoughts on community engagement and philanthropy. More than a hundred non-profit leaders, board members, community leaders, and friends joined us for this special event.


If you were unable to join us for the event, we hope you will watch our two-minute highlight video or watch the full video.


  • Marianne Glick led Glick Training Associates for decades and now serves as board chair of the Glick Family Foundation. She is the president of the board of TeenWorks, which she founded. Marianne has also supported many other organizations, including the United Way of Central Indiana, Central Indiana Community Foundation, Ascend, Ivy Tech, Goodwill Industries of Central and Southern Indiana, Women’s Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, and the Habitat for Humanity.
  • While leading one of Indiana’s largest electrical contractors, Long Electric, Yvonne Shaheen has dedicated herself to improving our community by supporting many organizations, including the Indy Chamber, the Arts Council of Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Symphony, The Children’s Museum, Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, WFYI, and the University of Indianapolis.


All of us at Goelzer and our audience left the event better informed and more inspired to make a difference through the non-profits we serve.  We sincerely thank Marianne and Yvonne for sharing their insights with all of us!


At the event, we also paused to honor three pillars of our community who we lost this year: Joe Barnette, Marianne Tobias, and Jerry Semler. Andy Concannon, our CIO, offered comments in their honor. Our community is better off for the contributions they made over their long and successful lifetimes, and we hope you will watch the tribute, which is also included in the full video.